I wasn’t sure if I had enough to say to write a blog, so I brainstormed some ideas, and it seems I do. Here are some things I plan to cover at some point or other. Topics here are organized conceptually. Please reach out and let me know if some of these seem especially interesting, and I’ll prioritize them:
- Engineering Management
- Engineering team growth
- Regular Manager Meetings
- Effecive Strategy
- The myth of microservice isolation
- Structuring product and engineering teams
- We need a new way to point stories.
- How to estimate engineering projects
- Improving product roadmapping
- A Roadmapping System that Works
- Keeping Remote Teams on track
- Implementing organizational change part 1: culture and policies
- Implementing organizational change part 2: getting buy-in
- Accountability, team charters and buy-in
- Digital Audio
- Audio Basics
- Sampling and digital audio basics
- Audio timing source
- Audio file formats and audio quality
- Conversion from float to int and dithering.
- Decibels
- Metering audio and audio overviews
- Choosing bit depths
- Effects and processing
- Developing an Intuition for Filtering
- Implementing biquad filters
- Orfanidis correction
- Other considerations for iir filters (recalculating parameters)
- Interpolating
- Linear interpolation
- Exponential/log interpolation
- Time-delay based effects: echo/delay, flange/chorus, reverb.
- Filter based effects: phaser
- Dynamics effects: Compression, limiting
- Distortion effects: clipping
- The Frequency Domain
- Why are sine waves fundamental to audio
- Frequency vs time domain basics
- Frequency vs time domain — why we usually go with time domain. Why inverse FFT FIR filters don’t work.
- Pitch tracking with the FFT
- Practical considerations:
- Processing in chunks/chunk sizes
- Latency
- Responding to realtime parameter changes and automation
- Edit artifacts
- Cross-fading
- Misc
- De-esser
- Rta
- Phase meter
- Audio Basics
- Contracting
- How I got work as an audio software development contractor
- How to Estimate Projects
- How to set your rates